courtesy by ARIEL


Pulsation and vibration control studies and analysis for reciprocating compressors in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries are essential to ensure the best reliability, maintainability, safety, availability, and to reduce the risks of critical failures, environmental impacts, and shutdowns. The following steps can be taken as part of these studies and analyses:

  1. Baseline Assessment:

    • Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the reciprocating compressor system, including the compressor, piping, and associated components, to establish a baseline for pulsation and vibration analysis.
    • Identify and document the operating conditions, such as flow rate, pressure, temperature, and gas composition.
    • Gather equipment and system design information, including compressor specifications, valve data, and piping layout.
  2. Pulsation Analysis:

    • Perform pulsation analysis using specialized software to predict and evaluate pressure pulsations in the compressor system.
    • Model the compressor, suction and discharge piping, pulsation dampeners, and other relevant components in the analysis.
    • Identify potential resonance points, including natural frequencies and acoustic modes, and assess their impact on the system.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of existing pulsation control measures, such as pulsation dampeners and acoustic filters.
  3. Vibration Analysis:

    • Conduct vibration analysis to assess the dynamic behavior of the reciprocating compressor and associated equipment.
    • Use vibration monitoring equipment to measure and analyze vibrations at critical locations, including compressor cylinders, crankshaft, bearings, and piping connections.
    • Identify potential sources of vibration, such as unbalanced forces, misalignment, resonances, and fluid-induced instabilities.
    • Evaluate the compliance of vibration levels with industry standards and guidelines.
  4. Mitigation and Control Measures:

    • Implement design modifications or system changes to control and reduce pulsation and vibration levels.
    • Install pulsation control devices, such as pulsation dampeners, suction and discharge bottles, and pulsation suppression devices, to attenuate pressure pulsations.
    • Optimize the compressor piping layout and support system to minimize vibrations and ensure proper alignment.
    • Consider the use of vibration isolation techniques, such as flexible couplings and vibration absorbers, to mitigate vibration transmission.
    • Implement condition monitoring systems to continuously monitor and assess pulsation and vibration levels for early detection of abnormalities.
  5. Verification and Validation:

    • Perform field measurements and tests to validate the effectiveness of the implemented control measures.
    • Compare the measured pulsation and vibration levels with the predicted values from the analysis.
    • Conduct periodic re-evaluations to ensure ongoing compliance with pulsation and vibration control requirements.

By conducting pulsation and vibration control studies and analyses, implementing appropriate control measures, and continuously monitoring and assessing the system’s performance, the reliability, maintainability, safety, availability, and environmental impact of reciprocating compressors in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries can be optimized, reducing the risks of critical failures, environmental impacts, and shutdowns.


While pulsation and vibration control studies and analysis are crucial for ensuring the best reliability, maintainability, safety, availability, and reducing the risks of critical failures, environmental impacts, and shutdowns in reciprocating compressors, there are some limitations in engineering and design that should be considered. These limitations include:

  1. Complexity of Analysis:

    • Pulsation and vibration analysis can be complex and require specialized software and expertise to accurately model and simulate the system.
    • The accuracy of the analysis depends on the availability and quality of data, such as compressor characteristics, piping layout, and operating conditions.
  2. Uncertainties in System Dynamics:

    • Predicting and analyzing pulsation and vibration behavior in reciprocating compressors involve inherent uncertainties due to factors such as gas composition variations, changing operating conditions, and transient effects.
    • It can be challenging to capture all the dynamic interactions within the system, leading to some degree of uncertainty in the analysis results.
  3. Site-Specific Factors:

    • Each installation of reciprocating compressors may have unique site-specific factors, such as plant layout, foundation design, and nearby equipment, which can influence the pulsation and vibration characteristics.
    • These site-specific factors may require additional considerations and adjustments during the analysis and control measures implementation.
  4. Retrofitting Limitations:

    • In existing installations, retrofitting pulsation and vibration control measures may have limitations due to space constraints, equipment compatibility, and cost considerations.
    • The feasibility and effectiveness of retrofitting solutions may vary depending on the specific compressor design and operating conditions.
  5. Interaction with Other Systems:

    • Pulsation and vibration control measures implemented in the compressor system can potentially interact with other systems, such as piping, control systems, and nearby equipment.
    • These interactions may introduce additional design constraints and considerations that need to be addressed to avoid unintended consequences or compromises in overall system performance.

It is important for engineers and designers to be aware of these limitations and work closely with experts in pulsation and vibration control to ensure that appropriate analysis techniques are employed, and the design and control measures are tailored to the specific requirements of the reciprocating compressor system. Regular monitoring, maintenance, and periodic re-evaluation should also be conducted to ensure ongoing compliance and effectiveness of the control measures.

courtesy by LMF


Pulsation and vibration control studies and analysis are applied to reciprocating compressors in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries to achieve the best reliability, maintainability, safety, and availability, and to reduce the risks of critical failures, environmental impacts, and shutdowns. The following explanations cover the aspects of why, when, where, what, which, and how these studies and analyses are applied:

  1. Why:

    • Pulsation and vibration control studies and analysis are conducted to identify and mitigate potential issues associated with pressure pulsations and vibrations in reciprocating compressors.
    • These studies help prevent failures, equipment damage, and performance issues that can lead to costly downtime, environmental impacts, and safety hazards.
  2. When:

    • Pulsation and vibration control studies should be performed during the design phase of a new reciprocating compressor system to ensure that pulsation and vibration levels are within acceptable limits.
    • These studies should also be conducted when modifications or changes are made to existing systems that may affect the pulsation and vibration characteristics.
  3. Where:

    • Pulsation and vibration control studies are applicable to reciprocating compressors used in various sectors of the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries, including upstream exploration and production, midstream transportation, and downstream refining and processing facilities.
  4. What:

    • Pulsation analysis involves predicting and evaluating pressure pulsations in the compressor system, assessing resonance points, and identifying potential issues related to pulsations.
    • Vibration analysis focuses on assessing the dynamic behavior of the compressor and associated equipment, identifying sources of vibration, and evaluating compliance with industry standards.
  5. Which:

    • Pulsation and vibration control studies are applicable to all types and sizes of reciprocating compressors, including single-acting and double-acting machines.
    • These studies are particularly important for large-scale compressors, high-pressure applications, and systems with critical process requirements.
  6. How:

    • Pulsation and vibration control studies are conducted using specialized software tools that allow for modeling and simulation of the compressor system, including the compressor, piping, valves, and associated components.
    • The analysis involves inputting relevant data, such as compressor specifications, operating conditions, and piping layout, to simulate and evaluate the pulsation and vibration behavior.
    • Control measures, such as pulsation dampeners, acoustic filters, and vibration isolators, are implemented based on the analysis results to reduce pulsation and vibration levels.

Overall, the application of pulsation and vibration control studies and analysis in reciprocating compressors involves a proactive approach to ensure reliable and safe operation, minimize downtime, protect equipment, and reduce environmental impacts. These studies are conducted during the design phase, in specific locations, and for various compressor types, using specialized software tools and appropriate control measures. By implementing the findings of these studies, industries can enhance the reliability, maintainability, safety, and availability of their reciprocating compressor systems while reducing the risks of critical failures and environmental impacts.

courtesy by ABC


The procedures, actions, studies, mitigations, and recommendations involved in applying pulsation and vibration control studies and analysis to reciprocating compressors in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries can be outlined as follows:

  1. Preliminary Assessment:

    • Conduct a preliminary assessment of the reciprocating compressor system to identify potential pulsation and vibration issues.
    • Review design specifications, operating conditions, and historical data to understand the system’s behavior and any existing problems.
  2. Data Collection:

    • Gather necessary data, including compressor specifications, piping layout, valve characteristics, and operating parameters.
    • Obtain information on process requirements, such as pressure, temperature, and flow rate variations.
  3. Modeling and Simulation:

    • Use specialized software tools to create a detailed model of the reciprocating compressor system, including the compressor, piping, valves, and associated equipment.
    • Simulate the system under various operating scenarios to predict pulsation and vibration levels.
    • Consider transient effects, non-linear behavior, and resonance phenomena in the analysis.
  4. Pulsation Analysis:

    • Evaluate pressure pulsations within the compressor system, including identification of potential resonance points and critical frequencies.
    • Assess the compliance of pulsation levels with industry standards and guidelines.
    • Identify potential sources of pulsation, such as valve dynamics, suction and discharge piping layout, and pulsation dampening devices.
  5. Vibration Analysis:

    • Assess the dynamic behavior and vibration characteristics of the compressor and associated equipment.
    • Identify potential sources of vibration, such as unbalanced forces, mechanical resonances, and inadequate structural support.
    • Evaluate vibration levels against industry standards and guidelines.
  6. Mitigation Measures:

    • Based on the analysis results, develop and implement appropriate control measures to mitigate pulsation and vibration issues.
    • Consider solutions such as pulsation dampeners, acoustic filters, vibration isolators, and structural modifications.
    • Optimize the design and placement of control devices to effectively reduce pulsation and vibration levels.
  7. Monitoring and Maintenance:

    • Implement a regular monitoring program to assess the performance and effectiveness of the control measures.
    • Conduct periodic inspections and maintenance activities to ensure the continued integrity and functionality of the system.
    • Monitor vibration levels and conduct machinery health assessments to detect any potential issues.
  8. Documentation and Reporting:

    • Document the pulsation and vibration control studies, including analysis methodologies, findings, and implemented control measures.
    • Prepare reports summarizing the assessment, analysis, and recommended actions for stakeholders and regulatory compliance.
  9. Training and Awareness:

    • Provide training and awareness programs to operators, maintenance personnel, and other relevant staff members regarding pulsation and vibration control.
    • Promote understanding of the risks associated with pulsation and vibration and the importance of following recommended control measures.

It is important to note that the specific procedures and actions may vary depending on the individual compressor system, industry regulations, and best practices. Consulting with experienced engineers, vibration specialists, and industry experts can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the pulsation and vibration control process.

courtesy by SIEMENS

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