courtesy by BORSIG


OREDA (Offshore/Onshore Reliability Data) is a joint industry project (JIP) that was established in the 1980s with the aim of collecting and analyzing reliability data from offshore oil and gas facilities. The JIP was initiated by a group of oil and gas companies in Norway and later expanded to include participants from around the world.

The first phase of the OREDA project focused on offshore platforms, and data was collected and analyzed from 1981 to 1986. The second phase, which ran from 1987 to 1992, included both offshore and onshore facilities. The third phase, which started in 1993 and ran until 1998, expanded the scope to cover more types of equipment, including reciprocating compressors.

Since then, there have been several additional phases of the OREDA project, each with an expanded scope and updated methodologies. The most recent phase, OREDA 2015, included data from more than 13,000 pieces of equipment and covered a wide range of equipment types, including turbines, pumps, and valves.

The project has been instrumental in improving the reliability, maintainability, availability, and safety of equipment in the oil and gas industry.

OREDA (Offshore/Onshore Reliability Data) is a joint industry project that was initiated by a group of oil and gas companies, including BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, Shell, and Total. The aim of the project was to collect and analyze reliability data from offshore and onshore oil and gas facilities, in order to improve the reliability, maintainability, and safety of equipment used in the industry.

The first phase of the OREDA project was launched in 1981 and involved the collection and analysis of data from offshore facilities. The project was then expanded to include onshore facilities in 1989. The project has since undergone several phases of development, with the most recent phase being completed in 2018.

Over the years, the OREDA project has evolved to include the collection and analysis of data from various types of equipment used in the oil and gas industry, including reciprocating compressors. The project has also expanded to include the development of software tools and methodologies to aid in the analysis of reliability data and the assessment of equipment performance.

The data collected by the OREDA project has been used by companies in the oil and gas industry to improve the design, operation, and maintenance of equipment, with the aim of reducing the incidence of critical, degraded, and incipient failures. The project has also provided a platform for the sharing of knowledge and best practices among industry professionals.

In terms of maintenance and repair time, the OREDA project has collected data on the time required for maintenance and repair activities on equipment, which has helped companies to optimize their maintenance strategies and minimize downtime. Overall, the OREDA project has been instrumental in improving the reliability, safety, and efficiency of equipment used in the oil and gas industry.


While OREDA provides valuable data for the oil and gas industry, there are some limitations to its data acquisition process, including:

  1. Limited data availability: OREDA relies on data submitted voluntarily by operators in the industry. Therefore, the amount and quality of data may vary between operators and installations. This can limit the representativeness of the data and its applicability to certain installations or equipment.

  2. Data quality: The quality of the data provided can vary due to the nature of the data collection process. For example, some data may be subjective, difficult to verify, or incomplete. This can lead to inaccuracies or biases in the data.

  3. Limited scope: OREDA has primarily focused on offshore installations, which may not reflect the challenges and risks associated with onshore installations. Additionally, the data is primarily focused on the upstream oil and gas industry, which may not capture the unique challenges associated with downstream operations.

  4. Limited historical data: OREDA has been in operation since the 1980s, but the amount of historical data available for analysis may be limited. This can impact the accuracy of the statistical analyses and may limit the applicability of the data to current installations and equipment.

  5. Maintenance and repair time: OREDA provides data on equipment failure rates and modes but does not take into account maintenance and repair time. This can impact the reliability, maintainability, availability, and safety of the equipment, especially in cases where maintenance and repair times are significant.

courtesy by SERTCO


OREDA defines the following failure types for reciprocating compressors:

  1. Mechanical failure: refers to any failure caused by a component or part that is no longer able to perform its intended function. This includes failures such as bearing failures, valve failures, piston failures, etc.

  2. Control failure: refers to any failure caused by a problem in the compressor’s control system, such as a malfunctioning sensor, actuator, or control valve.

  3. Instrumentation failure: refers to any failure caused by an issue with the compressor’s instrumentation, such as incorrect readings or malfunctions in pressure, temperature, or flow sensors.

  4. Operational error: refers to any failure caused by human error, such as incorrect operating procedures, improper maintenance, or incorrect settings.

  5. Environmental failure: refers to any failure caused by external factors, such as weather, seismic events, or chemical exposure.

  6. Design deficiency: refers to any failure caused by a flaw in the compressor’s design, such as inadequate strength or insufficient durability.

  7. Software failure: refers to any failure caused by a problem in the compressor’s software, such as programming errors or software bugs.

These failure types are used to analyze critical, degraded, and incipient failures in reciprocating compressors in order to improve their reliability, maintainability, availability, and safety in oil and gas industries. The analysis takes into account the maintenance repair time registered to identify potential improvements.


OREDA uses a range of failure modes for reciprocating compressors, including:

  1. Abnormal instrument reading: this failure mode refers to situations where the readings on monitoring instruments are outside of normal operating parameters.
  2. Breakdown: a failure of a component or system that results in the compressor ceasing to operate as intended.
  3. External leakages: leaks that occur outside of the compressor, such as in pipes or fittings.
  4. Erratic output: a failure mode where the compressor produces varying output, rather than operating at a consistent level.
  5. Failure to start or stop: a failure mode where the compressor does not start or stop as intended.
  6. High and low output: a failure mode where the compressor produces either too much or too little output.
  7. Internal leakage: leaks that occur inside the compressor, such as in valves or cylinders.
  8. Noise: excessive noise produced by the compressor during operation.
  9. Overheating: a failure mode where the compressor overheats, which can result in damage to components or a loss of efficiency.
  10. Parameter deviation: a failure mode where the compressor operates outside of normal operating parameters, which can result in reduced efficiency or other issues.
  11. Plugged/choked: a failure mode where the compressor becomes blocked or choked, preventing proper operation.
  12. Minor in-service problems: small issues that do not necessarily require immediate attention but can affect the long-term performance of the compressor.
  13. Structural deficiency: a failure mode where the compressor experiences damage or wear to its structural components, such as the frame or base.
  14. Spurious stop: a failure mode where the compressor stops operating unexpectedly.
  15. Vibration: excessive vibration produced by the compressor during operation, which can result in damage to components or a loss of efficiency.

These failure modes are used to identify potential issues with the compressor and help develop maintenance and repair strategies to improve its reliability, maintainability, availability, and safety, and to avoid critical, degraded, and incipient failures in existing plants in oil and gas industries.

courtesy by NEA


OREDA identifies and studies a wide range of failure mechanisms in reciprocating compressors. Here’s a brief explanation of each of them:

  1. Blockage/Plugged: Blockages in the compressor can cause a loss of performance or even complete failure, due to reduced flow or pressure.

  2. Breakage: Breakage can occur in various components of the compressor, such as valves, pistons, and connecting rods. It can be due to fatigue, material defects, or operational stress.

  3. Burst: A sudden rupture of components due to high-pressure fluctuations or other causes can cause severe damage to the compressor and even lead to catastrophic failure.

  4. Clearance/Alignment Failure: Compressor components, such as cylinders, pistons, and valves, need to be precisely aligned and have the correct clearance to ensure optimal performance. Misalignment or inadequate clearance can cause operational problems or component damage.

  5. Combined Causes: Compressor failures can often be caused by multiple factors. OREDA identifies and studies these combined causes to understand their effects and develop strategies to mitigate them.

  6. Contamination: Contamination can occur due to the ingress of foreign materials, such as dust or debris, into the compressor. This can cause blockages or damage to components.

  7. Control Failure: Control failures can occur due to issues with the control system or sensors. This can cause operational problems or damage to components

  8. Corrosion: The gradual deterioration of materials due to chemical reactions with the environment. This can lead to thinning or perforation of the equipment, reducing its integrity and reliability.

  9. Deformation: The change in shape or size of the equipment due to external or internal forces. This can lead to misalignment, increased clearance, or interference with other components, causing failures.

  10. Electrical failure: The malfunctioning or breakdown of electrical components, such as motors, transformers, or circuit breakers. This can cause equipment shutdown or even fires and explosions.

  11. External influence: The effect of external factors, such as weather, earthquakes, or third-party interference, on the equipment. This can cause physical damage or other failures.

  12. Faulty power/voltage: The presence of irregular power supply or voltage spikes that can damage electrical components, such as motors or electronics.

  13. Faulty or not signal/indication/alarm: The failure or malfunction of control systems, such as sensors, switches, or alarms, that can cause equipment failure or shutdown.

  14. Instrument failure: The failure or malfunction of monitoring equipment, such as gauges, meters, or probes, that can lead to misdiagnosis or undetected failures.

  15. Leakage: The uncontrolled escape of fluids or gases from the equipment due to cracks, holes, or other defects. This can cause safety hazards or environmental impacts.

  16. Looseness: The failure of mechanical fasteners, such as bolts or screws, due to vibration or overloading. This can cause misalignment or disconnection of components, leading to equipment failures.

  17. Material failure: The failure or degradation of materials used in the equipment due to manufacturing defects, aging, or overloading. This can cause equipment failure or reduced reliability.

  18. Mechanical failure: The failure of mechanical components, such as bearings, gears, or pistons, due to overloading, wear, or misalignment. This can cause equipment shutdown or damage to other components.

  19. Miscellaneous: Other types of failures that cannot be classified in the above categories, such as human error, design flaws, or unknown causes.

  20. Open circuit: The interruption or disconnection of electrical circuits, such as fuses, breakers, or relays, that can cause equipment failure or shutdown.

  21. Out of adjustment: The deviation of equipment from its intended operating parameters, such as pressure, temperature, or flow rate. This can cause inefficiencies or equipment failures.

  22. Overheating: The excess temperature of equipment due to inadequate cooling or excessive heat generation. This can cause equipment shutdown or damage to other components.

  23. Software failure: The malfunctioning or failure of software systems, such as control algorithms or data analysis tools, that can cause equipment failure or shutdown.

  24. Sticking: The failure of moving parts to operate freely due to corrosion, debris, or other factors. This can cause equipment shutdown or damage to other components.

  25. Vibration: The oscillation or movement of equipment due to unbalanced forces, misalignment, or worn components. This can cause equipment damage or failure.

courtesy by SIAD


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