courtesy by BAKER HUGHES

API 618 is a standard that provides guidelines for the design and operation of reciprocating compressors. NACE MR0175 is a separate standard issued by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) that provides specific guidelines for materials selection and corrosion control in oil and gas production environments. While API 618 does not explicitly incorporate NACE MR0175, compliance with both standards is important for ensuring the reliability and safety of reciprocating compressors in corrosive environments. Here are some key considerations for compliance:

  1. Material Selection: NACE MR0175 provides guidelines for the selection of materials based on their resistance to corrosion in specific oil and gas environments. It specifies acceptable materials for various exposure conditions, including the maximum allowable limits for different elements. When designing a reciprocating compressor, it is important to select materials that comply with NACE MR0175 to minimize the risk of corrosion-related failures.

  2. Corrosion Control Measures: NACE MR0175 also provides guidance on corrosion control measures, such as surface preparation, protective coatings, inhibitors, and cathodic protection. These measures are aimed at preventing or mitigating corrosion in critical components of the compressor. Compliance with NACE MR0175 involves implementing appropriate corrosion control measures to protect susceptible materials and components.

  3. Material Testing and Documentation: NACE MR0175 requires certain material testing and documentation to ensure compliance. This includes conducting laboratory tests to assess the corrosion resistance of materials and documenting the materials used in the compressor, including their chemical composition and compliance with NACE MR0175 requirements. It is important to keep proper records of material testing and documentation to demonstrate compliance with the standard.

  4. Inspection and Maintenance: Regular inspection and maintenance practices are crucial for ensuring ongoing compliance with both API 618 and NACE MR0175. This includes monitoring for signs of corrosion, conducting non-destructive testing, and implementing appropriate maintenance and repair procedures to address any identified issues.

To achieve compliance with NACE MR0175, it is recommended to consult the standard itself and work closely with materials and corrosion specialists who are familiar with the requirements. Additionally, engaging with equipment manufacturers and industry experts can provide valuable insights and assistance in designing and operating reciprocating compressors in accordance with both API 618 and NACE MR0175 standards.


When it comes to selecting materials for reciprocating compressors to comply with NACE MR0175, there are certain limitations in engineering and design that need to be considered. These limitations include:

  1. Material Compatibility: NACE MR0175 provides guidelines for material selection based on their resistance to specific corrosive environments encountered in oil and gas production. The limitations arise from the need to find materials that are both compatible with the process fluids and capable of withstanding the corrosive conditions. Some materials may not have sufficient corrosion resistance or may not be readily available in the required forms or sizes.

  2. Performance Trade-Offs: Selecting materials that meet the corrosion resistance requirements of NACE MR0175 may involve trade-offs in terms of mechanical properties and performance characteristics. For example, some highly corrosion-resistant materials may have lower strength or reduced fatigue resistance. Engineers must carefully balance the need for corrosion resistance with other important performance factors to ensure the compressor operates reliably and safely.

  3. Cost Considerations: Materials that meet the requirements of NACE MR0175, particularly for highly corrosive environments, can be more expensive compared to standard materials. The cost of procuring and fabricating these materials may pose a limitation, especially for projects with budget constraints. Engineers must evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different material options while considering the long-term benefits of improved reliability and safety.

  4. Availability and Supply Chain: NACE MR0175 specifies specific materials and requirements, which may not be readily available in all regions or from all suppliers. Limited availability and potential supply chain challenges can constrain the selection of materials that comply with the standard. Engineers must work closely with suppliers and manufacturers to ensure the availability of the required materials in a timely manner.

  5. Design and Fabrication Complexity: Some materials that comply with NACE MR0175 may require special handling, fabrication techniques, or welding procedures. These additional requirements can add complexity to the engineering and design process, potentially leading to increased costs or manufacturing challenges. It is important to ensure that the selected materials can be effectively incorporated into the compressor’s design and fabrication process.

To overcome these limitations, engineers should collaborate closely with material experts, suppliers, and manufacturers to identify suitable materials that comply with NACE MR0175 while considering the specific operating conditions, performance requirements, and cost considerations of the reciprocating compressor. Rigorous testing, inspection, and quality control procedures should be implemented to verify compliance with the standard and ensure the reliability and safety of the compressor in oil and gas industries.

courtesy by BURCKHARDT


  1. WHY Select Better Materials: The selection of appropriate materials is crucial to mitigate the risk of corrosion and ensure the long-term reliability and safety of reciprocating compressors. Corrosion can lead to equipment failure, leaks, and unscheduled shutdowns, resulting in costly repairs, production losses, and safety hazards.

  2. WHEN to Select Better Materials: The selection of materials should be considered during the design phase of reciprocating compressors, both for new projects and during modifications or upgrades of existing plants. It is essential to evaluate the environmental conditions, process fluids, and operating parameters to identify potential corrosion risks and select materials that can withstand these conditions.

  3. WHERE to Select Better Materials: The selection of materials is critical in areas where the corrosive environment is particularly aggressive, such as offshore platforms, sour gas fields, or areas with high humidity or presence of corrosive contaminants. These locations require materials with enhanced corrosion resistance to ensure reliable and safe operation.

  4. WHAT Materials to Select: NACE MR0175 provides guidelines for selecting materials based on their resistance to specific corrosive environments encountered in oil and gas production. The standard provides a list of acceptable materials and their limitations in terms of temperature, pressure, and chemical exposure. Materials commonly used in these applications include corrosion-resistant alloys, stainless steels, nickel-based alloys, and specialized coatings.

  5. WHICH Factors to Consider: Several factors should be considered when selecting materials, including the corrosive environment, temperature, pressure, fluid composition, and the mechanical and physical properties required for the specific application. It is crucial to evaluate the compatibility of materials with the process fluids, their resistance to localized corrosion (such as pitting and stress corrosion cracking), and their mechanical strength and fatigue resistance.

  6. HOW to Select Better Materials: The selection process involves collaboration between engineers, material experts, and suppliers. It includes assessing the operating conditions, consulting relevant industry standards like NACE MR0175 and API-618, conducting material testing, and evaluating the cost-effectiveness of different material options. Rigorous quality control measures and inspections should be implemented to ensure the compliance and integrity of the selected materials.

Overall, selecting better materials as per NACE MR0175 is essential to improve the reliability and safety of reciprocating compressors in the oil and gas industries. By considering the environmental conditions, process fluids, and mechanical requirements, engineers can choose materials with superior corrosion resistance, ensuring prolonged equipment life, reduced downtime, and enhanced operational safety.


To select better materials as per NACE MR0175 and comply with API-618 for reciprocating compressors in order to improve reliability and safety in the oil and gas industries, the following procedures, actions, studies, mitigations, and recommendations can be considered:

  1. Conduct a Corrosion Risk Assessment: Evaluate the corrosive environment in which the reciprocating compressors will operate. Consider factors such as temperature, pressure, fluid composition, presence of corrosive contaminants, and the potential for localized corrosion. This assessment helps identify the specific corrosion risks and guides the material selection process.

  2. Familiarize with NACE MR0175: Gain a thorough understanding of the NACE MR0175 standard, which provides guidelines for selecting materials based on their resistance to specific corrosive environments. Study the standard’s requirements, limitations, and material recommendations to ensure compliance.

  3. Collaborate with Material Experts: Engage with material experts and consultants who have expertise in selecting corrosion-resistant materials. They can provide valuable insights into material selection, offer recommendations based on industry best practices, and assist with material testing and evaluation.

  4. Perform Material Testing: Conduct laboratory tests, including corrosion resistance testing, to evaluate the suitability of different materials for the specific corrosive environment. This can involve exposure tests, electrochemical tests, or immersion tests to simulate the actual conditions the materials will encounter.

  5. Consider Material Performance and Properties: Evaluate the mechanical and physical properties of candidate materials, such as strength, ductility, fatigue resistance, and thermal stability. Consider how these properties align with the specific operating conditions and performance requirements of the reciprocating compressors.

  6. Implement Quality Control Measures: Ensure strict quality control measures are in place during material procurement, fabrication, and installation. This includes verifying material certifications, conducting inspections, and adhering to industry standards and specifications.

  7. Mitigate Corrosion Risks: Implement corrosion mitigation strategies, such as the use of protective coatings, corrosion inhibitors, cathodic protection systems, or other corrosion-resistant measures. These measures can enhance the reliability and longevity of the selected materials.

  8. Regular Monitoring and Maintenance: Implement a comprehensive monitoring and maintenance program to assess the performance and condition of the selected materials over time. This includes regular inspections, corrosion monitoring, and preventive maintenance activities to address any emerging issues promptly.

  9. Stay Updated with Industry Developments: Stay informed about the latest advancements in materials science, corrosion-resistant technologies, and industry best practices. Regularly review and update material selection guidelines and procedures based on new research and technological advancements.

  10. Documentation and Record Keeping: Maintain detailed documentation of material selection processes, test results, inspection reports, and maintenance activities. This documentation ensures traceability, facilitates future assessments, and supports compliance with regulatory requirements.

By following these procedures, actions, studies, mitigations, and recommendations, it is possible to select better materials as per NACE MR0175, ensuring compliance with API-618 and improving the reliability and safety of reciprocating compressors in the oil and gas industries.

courtesy by ARIEL

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